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National Pathology Exchange (NPEx): Lab to Lab connectivity

By Sahar Salimi, X-Lab Added 25th Aug, 2016 Updated 19th May, 2020

The NPEx system, developed by X-Lab in Leeds, is a new national digital solution to sending pathology test requests and results between UK laboratories. NPEx is hosted by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT and connects 65 English and Scottish Hospital Trusts to each other (around 50% of the UK NHS laboratories). One new NHS organisation is joining NPEx every month and this will accelerate until all UK labs are connnected to the Exchange.


By eliminating the use of paper through digitalisation, the process of sending pathology requests and results are made simpler, faster and safer. Labs that are connected to NPEx recognise the high cost and poor patient service of paper based processes, as well as the high risks of transcription errors which are removed when switching to a digital process. NPEx enables laboratory managers to securely request tests and get results to any other laboratory on the network in a very short space of time, meaning the turnaround times for patients to receive their results are reduced dramatically, and this increases patient care and satisfaction; whilst saving the NHS money.

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