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Stove Guard for Independent Living

By John Smith, Innovation Agency Added 24th Jun, 2016 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019



Award-winning product (Excellence in Fire and Emergency Innovation Award 2014), Innohome Stove Guard promotes independent living when cooker use becomes high risk due to a person’s advanced age, memory disorders, disability, or learning difficulties.

It identifies a dangerously high temperature or steep temperature rise, and recognises signals of fire, gas and carbon monoxide. It recognises if the hob has been accidentally left on and cuts off the electricity and ‘locks’ the cooker so it cannot be turned on accidentally.  Stove Guard includes two different types of heat sensor that together measure maximum temperature, changes in temperature and the ambient temperature. As a unique feature, the sensors learn and adjust to the usage environment.

From five cooker related fire alarms per month there have been no alarms since Stove Guard was installed at YMCA Liverpool in 2015. Stove Guard also features in the AHSN funded Safer Homes Liverpool programmes - a monitored service links Stove Guard in private and rented dwellings to the Riverside Helpline Telecare service. As a result Liverpool CCG purchased the Safer Homes service, featuring Stove Guard, for 58 additional dwellings at YMCA Liverpool.   

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