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C the Signs - accelerating early detection of cancer

By Androulla Kolatsis, C the Signs Added 1st Dec, 2019 Updated 9th Dec, 2019

C the Signs is an award-winning decision support tool founded by two NHS doctors. The tool uses artificial intelligence mapped with the latest evidence to support GPs and Healthcare Professionals to identify patients at risk of cancer at the earliest and most survivable stage of the disease. 

The tool is currently being used by over 1000 doctors in the NHS and has been implemented by 12 CCGs in partnership with two Cancer Alliances. 

C the Signs is a class 1 Medical Device with CE Marking. The tool is compliant with NHS Digital frameworks including DCB0129 and the Data Secuirty and Protection Toolit. 


C the Signs was piloted across three CCGs in the East of England between 2017-18. 286 GPs took was adopted by 75% of practices. The tool was able to improve cancer detection rates by 6.40% compared with the regional performance (0.21%) and England average (0.59%). 

Improve accurancy of cancer pathways: 

C the Signs covers the entire spectrum of cancer, supporting doctors to identify which cancer(s) a patient is at risk of, and the most appropriate next step; whether a test, investigation or referral- in less than 30 seconds.

Search by System or Symptom:

Doctors can search by system like 'chest or gastro' or by an individual sign, symptoms, or risk factor, such as 'thrombocytosis' or 'weight loss.' Information entered in to the tool is cross-checked against all cancer pathways-  highlighting when patients are at risk of multiple cancers.  


All pathways are configured to the CCG to reflect the services & resources available locally, including direct access diagnostics, stright to test and rapid diagnostic centres, as well as simpler tests such as FIT or Ca125. 

Pathways recommended include pre-hospital workup required and where the service can be accessed (making use of community capacity).

Digital forms and patient information leaflets:

Cancer two-week-wait referral forms are digitised and embedded within the tool. The form is flagged when the pathway is recommended and is pre-poulated including all the necessary clinical information. The corresponding patient information leaftlet is automatically flagged and can be texted to the patient. 


Dashboards to enable GP Practices to review their cancer performance and CCGs to track activity across the area. 

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