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HealthBeacon - Smart Tools for Managing Medication

By Simon Wake, Added 8th Oct, 2021 Updated 31st Jan, 2022

HealthBeacon is a digital health technology company which develops smart tools for managing injectable medications at home. The HealthBeacon Smart Sharps Bin anchors the HealthBeacon Injection Care Management System (ICMS™) by simplifying the at-home injection experience. The HealthBeacon ICMS™ consists of a Smart Sharps Disposal Unit and Companion App for self management of long term conditions. We help patients to stay on track with their treatment by supporting individuals who are taking injection treatment for chronic conditions across a range of therapeutic areas (Rheumatology, Neurology, Respiratory, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolic).


Up to half of all medicines prescribed for long-term conditions are not taken as recommended. This can represent a loss to patients, the healthcare system and society. It has been estimated that unused medicines cost the NHS £300m every year. However, the reduction in therapeutic effect and its detrimental impact on outcomes and disease control causes an additional economic burden on limited health resources.

HealthBeacon aims to support patients to take more ownership of their health and wellbeing and improve adherence to their treatment which in turn improves health outcomes and reduce health utility costs. Each unit is individually programmed for the patient in line with their prescription and medication schedule. To help support medication management, the smart sharps disposal unit and companion app monitors patient’s usage of their injections, reminds patients when their treatment is due, remind to rotate their injection site and which site is to be used next. Clinicians will have access to real time monitoring of the patient’s medication management through our ICMS portal and reports via a pre-agreed clinical pathway.

The HealthBeacon system aims to help people improve their knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their own health and experience better health outcomes. Identifying specific barriers for each patient and adopting suitable techniques to overcome them will be necessary to improve medication adherence

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