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By Myles Murray, PMD Solutions Added 11th Dec, 2017 Updated 30th Nov, 2020

RespiraSense is the world's only continuous motion-tolerant respiratory rate monitor, specially design for the general ward. Respiratory rate is the earliest indicator of patient deterioration, yet it is the hardest vital to measure accurately. Respirasense has demonstrated that can detect patient deterioration (Hypoxia <92%; Pyrexia 38 degrees Celcius) up to 12 hours earlier than the standard of care (McCartan2020). Combining RespiraSense's ability to resist false alarms and measure respiratory rate accurately, gives healthcare providers an advantage to deliver timelier interventions and to improve patient outcomes. 


RespiraSense measures the mechanics of breathing through measuring chest and abdominal wall movements to calculate respiratory rate. Using a non-impedance and non-invasive wearable solution, patients can have their respiratory rate continuously monitored from admission to discharge on a single charge. 

RespiraSense can integrate with any Electronic Health Record system while also functioning as a stand-alone solution.  

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