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PCMIS Health Technologies Limited

Byron George

Award winning Evidence Based Mental Health & IAPT EPR Case Management, Integrated Digital Pathways, Patient Portals. Staff Wellbeing Hubs, CYP, Covid-19 pathways

PCMIS is a flexible, intelligent and easy to use case management system for IAPT, Staff Wellbeing Hubs and mental health services. With built in evidence based clinical supervision risk management, PCMIS ensured the highest level of care is provided throughout clinical pathways. With support for national NHS data set and analysis of mental health data, helping you to effectively monitor your service. Whichever service you provide, we can optimise it: We support a wide range of healthcare services, including NHS primary care mental health, charities and commercial health organisations. Our system allows you to easily and efficiently manage your caseload, while focusing on client wellbeing and recovery, including Adult IAPT, Children and Young Person mental health, trauma and COVID-19 services.
