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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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Assistive strategy group

By Pete Taylor Taylor, Second Chance Headway Centre Added 31st Oct, 2016 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

Second Chance provided Therapy Led Rehabilitation for Adults with Acquired Brain Injuries in the greater Wakefield area.  We were established 38 years ago and in recent years have greatly developed our services to include a wide range of assessment and referral services, Memory groups and Cognitive Sessions, Vocational and occupational Therapy, Music therapy, S.A.L.T., Physio, Craft and Living skills rehabilitation.  At any time we have 90 members attending our day centre and double that number in our outreach program.


One of our groups test and review strategies, devices and technologies that are designed to help disabled adults.  We have a core group of members, led by an experienced business manager with over 30 years experience in engineering and operational IT.   We can call on a randomised or targeted group of adults with a wide range of issues as a consequence of their Brain Injury, and provide testing and reviews to inform the development path.