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NETIMIS: Patient pathway simulation modelling

By Sahar Salimi, X-Lab Added 25th Aug, 2016 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

NETIMIS is a web-based simulation product that enables NHS and commercial organisations to map and model current and futuristic healthcare scenarios.


NETIMIS simulates patient flow through predetermined healthcare pathways and analyses the economics of different care scenarios. This gives users the chance to experiment with new service designs in a controlled manner to identify any risks before implementing changes to their current pathways and processes. In addition NETIMIS enables a better visualisation of bottlenecks in a system and the compare feature allows the user to see how the implementation of a change in a pathway can eliminate the bottlenecks involved. Modelling with NETIMIS helps to diagnose problems by building depth of understanding and consensus on the cost effective design of the best care pathways for various scenarios.

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