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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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The Sound Doctor: promoting self-care

By Jackie Jones, Innovation Agency NWC Added 24th Jun, 2016 Updated 7th Mar, 2023



The Sound Doctor (TSD) is the leading ‘library’ of film and audio patient information aimed at encouraging self-management of long-term conditions through access to quality, meaningful information.

The digital health solution offers an audio-visual learning programme. TSD presents clear information so people better understand their health conditions. More than 3 million UK patients have access to TSD andit's being successfully used in public and private sectors to improve outcomes and reduce demand on services.

The Sound Doctor can be used on most computer/tablet/mobiles and the library includes more than 250 films covering diabetes, dementia, COPD, Back Pain and weight management surgery. CVD, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, cholesterol and hypertension, will be produced next, followed by anxiety and depression information.

TSD has worked with leading charities including Diabetes UK, British Lung Foundation, Back Care and the Alzheimer’s Society, to create the films and

TSD has also created Health Today a national radio programme for NHS England published on NHS Choices.

The Sound Doctor is looking for support from AHSNs and providers to widen their impact.

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