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Arc Health Remote examination and virtual consultation system.

By Sharon Donald, Arc Health Added 14th Jun, 2021 Updated 20th Jul, 2021

We facilitate GP'S / HCP’S to hold safe/ effective remote ward rounds and ad hoc appointments with patients in care homes:

Listen to heart and Lung sounds

View patient's ears, throat and skin with a high grade medicam

Respond to urgent requests and often reducing the need for A&E referral

Utilising your time more effectively. Treatment commenced quicker.


HCP’s often spend large amounts of time travelling to care homes, by using Arc Health this can become  a thing of the past. You can respond quicker and more effectively preventing conditions worsening and reducing the impact on your workload. 

Arc is in use with GP’s and Care homes across the whole of the UK and we can provide testimonials or introductions to our users to help you understand where Arc can fit into your practice.

Available metrics show 94% of Arc consultations don't require further onward referral. No travel time for HCP so savings of costs and repurposing of available time.

Arc is easy to implement and our project managers and trainers will support you at every step and beyond. 

Arc is  a GP led company so you can be sure we understand your workload and needs.


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