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By Katherine Ward, Added 18th Sep, 2017 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019 is the first company to have created a clinical grade diganostic device from the smart-phone camera. is a digital urinalysis test that can be done by the patient, at home with 99.5% usability. Patients receive a box that contains a pot, a dipstick (the same as the one used by the clinican in a clinical setting) and a colour board. An app with a chatbot talks through the process. Results are immediately uploaded to the clinician's electronic medical record and we have demonstrated in our CE accreditation that accuracy is substantially equivalent to hospital scanners. 


The first use case in the UK is with patients with MS who have a high propensity for UTI and of whom a small proportion are hospitalised every year. They are given a kit at home and rapid access to antibiotics at the first signs of infection. There is also a use case in place in Israel to support high risk pregnant women to do urine testing at home - they often have to test several times during the last trimester. We have also demonstrated usability with Johns Hopkins in the US where 150 women with more than 40 different types of mobile phone used the kit and more than 92% preferred home testing to testing in clinic. 

In the UK, we are now looking for more opportunities to roll out the kit, which we think empowers patients to take responsibility for their own care, reduces potential face to face appointments with clinical professionals, reduces time spent in specific appointments with clinical professionals and has the potential to prevent unplanned admissions e.g.from exacerbations of UTI. We think that there is potential to streamline pathways in primary care, pre-operatively (e.g. in urology day cases where a positive dipstick on the day can cause cancellation of operations), with pregnant women, for people with MS and other chronic conditions, for elderly people, renal patients, and as a screening too for people with diabetes or hypertension who are at high risk of CVD and CKD. 

We are looking for ambitious prospective partners to work with us.

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