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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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Engage - employee engagement app

By John Porter, Engage Solutions Added 9th Jan, 2021 Updated 25th Jan, 2021

We know that NHS staff are under a significant pressure at the moment and many managers are working at home. At a time when internal comms and employee engagement has never been more important it can be challenging to keep staff supported and updated. 

Now many trusts are starting to be creative about their colleague engagement. Whether you want to give staff live updates on infection prevention or information about health and wellbeing initiatives in the Trust, our app can help. 



Engage Solutions Group were the first to market with an employee engagement app in 2014 and have over 100 clients across multiple sectors with tens of thousands of active users every day. 

Whether you want to give staff live updates on infection prevention, covid testing, the latest on the vaccine or information about health and wellbeing initiatives in the Trust, this app can help. You can even send staff push notifications to update them in real time.

Staff can also engage with each other in various ways including 1-1 or group messaging, comments and likes and contact directories.  Content is encrypted in transit and at rest. The app is also designed to facilitate team recognition and pulse surveys. 

ESG have been selected to be on the NHS Communications Framework Agreement which has funding for the first year from NHSE/X – so it costs trusts nothing to try it.