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NHS Data Management - Health Data Enterprise (HDE)

By Graham Bennett, Insource Ltd Added 25th Feb, 2019 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

Our scalable data management product suites for healthcare (Data Academy® and Health Data Enterprise) enable us to deliver rapid ‘time to value’ solutions to healthcare organisations, with unprecedented flexibility to accommodate local nuances, growth and expansion.  This, combined with our deep and wide knowledge of healthcare data means that if you are an NHS or a private healthcare organisation, we have a data management solution for you.

Offering a wide range of functionality inclduing:

  • Data Warehouses
  • Data Marts
  • Structured Data Sets
  • Patient And Hospital Management Applications
  • Data Handling Applications
  • Statutory And Non-Statutory Return Data Submission Modules



HDE is an enterprise scale data management solution designed specifically for Healthcare.

It consumes data from any clinical or non-clinical systems (source systems) and presents it as a single source of unified data, which has been prepared, cleansed and structured such that is a true representation of the organisation’s position and performance.

The end-to-end process of consuming data from source systems and presenting it in the Unified Data layer (UDL) is totally automated. This process deals with thousands of data types consisting of billions of individual data items.

Additionally Health Data Enterprise Applications use this prepared and certified data in ways that are highly relevant to healthcare organisations that provide valuable and insightful information, as well as to systems that process data for ongoing use.

All of this capability provided by Health Data Enterprise is not able to be delivered effectively by the PAS, EPR or clinical systems and Health Data Enterprise is an essential complementary solution platform that co-exists alongside a trust’s main PAS/EPR system.

With the capability to configure to exacting requirements and specific nuances, expandable and customisable to meet all structured data processing requirements and operating in a totally automated mode, it is able to provide massive improvements in data quality and data processing. This improves efficiency, provides regulatory conformance, reduces costs and provides outputs and information that hospital staff can act on to improve the hospital’s performance and provide for better patient care at lower costs.


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