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Online Patient Discharge Management System

By Lucinda Merriman, Phew Added 2nd Dec, 2019 Updated 14th Jan, 2020

Phew’s innovative Patient Discharge Management System provides a central store of real-time patient data to inform the current discharge status and manage the pathway of a patient’s discharge to optimise bed usage.  Placing Discharge Managers firmly back in control, through a ‘live’ online system accessed through hand-held mobile devices as well as desktops, this system aims to reduce bed bottlenecks, aids early strategic planning and facilitates the collective co-operation of all parties concerned with discharge and aftercare.


We have been working with NHS England to support trusts in reducing their length of stay, one of which (Luton & Dunstable University Hospital  NHS FT) has reduced their LoS from 3.5 days to 2.7 days, which equates to 14,000 additional admissions in just nine months. Phew’s innovative PDMS provides a central store of real-time patient data to inform the current discharge status and manage their pathway, reducing the Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC).  Inputting, disseminating and reporting information in ‘real-time’ means that decisions can be made with confidence, in crucial time-frames.  Situation Reports (SITREP) and Patient Tracking Lists (PTL) that were taking a band 7 staff member hours every week, are now available at the touch of a button.


Online tool to collect and report patients’ status based on ECIST codes.

Non-clinical system, a tool to help solve communication problems.

Supporting the agreement of a single status of a patient's delay.

A central store of real-time patient information.

An immediate management view.

More efficient methods of status recording for staff.

Filters for discharge priorities e.g. medically fit or care home.

The ability to report at patient, ward, LA or CCG levels.

The flexibility to administer from desktop or hand-held mobile devices.


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