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Read by QxMD, Institutional Edition

By Jimmy Connoley, QxMD Added 26th Mar, 2018 Updated 23rd Jul, 2019

QxMD is a company dedicated to creating point-of-care applications created by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals, with a community of 1.9 million clinicians, medical students, scientists and researchers around the world. Our applications are available on any web-based device, including iOS, Android and Desktop and our free to download and use at any time. 


Healthcare professionals need to stay up to date on the latest medical research and topic reviews to provide optimal care. Unfortunately, the process of content discovery is broken with research artificially compartmentalised by publishers and hidden behind countless institutional paywalls.

At QxMD, we believe that knowledge translation– the process by which new knowledge is incorporated into clinical practice – is an important and unsolved challenge for our health care system. Read uses smart algorithms to ensure that each and every user has a dedicated newsfeed of research that applies to their practice. 

With >Read, Institutional Edition<, organisations can seamlessly integrate their existing journal subscriptions and existing proxy service to provide a platform for their clinical staff to access content which matters to their individual practices. It is built with features designed to improve patient care and reduce costs. 

The >Promoted Research< feature is used by institutions who want to disseminate research that impacts areas of care the most within their organisation. For example, a Hospital with high rates of Sepsis can use this tool to promote guidelines that reduce Sepsis cases with higher guarantees their clinical staff will discover the research and apply it to the next patient. 

Librarians and Knowledge Managers can take advantage of >smart analytics< to understand which journal subscriptions are performing the best and worst and also which journals are most popular, which they don't subscribe to.

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