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REST EASY Training - Mental health support for schools, families & businesses.

By Emily Gearing, Rest Easy Training Added 28th Jul, 2021 Updated 29th Jul, 2021

REST EASY Training offer a simple, affordable, effective wellbeing methodology for schools, staff & families.  The method forms part of a whole school approach & intervention strategy that teaches children, parents & staff how to recognise & manage emotions using our simple REST EASY acronym.  We are evaluated against the NICE guidelines for social, emotional & mental wellbeing needs in schools & meet all DfE pinciples & SEL requirements. 



The emotional wellbeing of children needs to be addressed urgently to prevent a mental health crisis.  Now, more than ever, it is important that we support young people, school staff & parents in learning skills for good mental health at an early age. 

Statistics from Children’s Society tell us that

“10% of children and young people (aged 5-15 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem.” and “50% of mental health problems are established by age 14.”

It is therefore essential that children are given the knowledge & tools to develop resilience, emotional intelligence, empathy & self-awareness.  We believe that every child has the right to mental health education & it is our mission to deliver the REST EASY Method as a way of achieveing this.

Our training is very simple to implement & offers quick, sustainable results.  In addition to our online learning option we provide face to face training for staff & parents.



Useful resources

In this testimonial you'll hear how quick & simple the REST EASY Method is to implement in schools.

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