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Under evaluation with potential for adoption
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Current technology solutions are focusing on providing trusts with platforms to facilitate the recruitment and the allocation of NHS bank staff. However, there are not enough NHS bank staff to cover all vacancies. Bank staff can only work 48 hours per week, so most vacancies are still assigned to agencies, making the service slow, inefficient and expensive. The NHS long-term plan aims to reduce agency spend but nobody, before Rohme, has looked at this problem through a model that enables agencies to be more efficient and cost-effective.


Rohme is a workforce management platform that allows roster coordinators to reach out to permanent bank and agency staff in a cascade way while controlling the quality and the spend of the service. 

The Rohme smart matching system automatically finds a fully compliant temporary worker with the relevant skills for the job and links with the hospital e-rostering system to predict permanent staff vacancies in advance or fill last-minute vacancies for either job cancellations or off-sick calls. Rohme is designed to become a complete HR platform for trusts. By partnering with agencies, the platform will also enable trusts to find and recruit nationall and international permanent staff.

The platform, through a 'staff digital wallet', guarantees freedom of movement for healthcare professionals between trusts. The Rohme onboarding process is straightforward and quick, and the cloud-based platform can be deployed alongside any current system that is currently in use in the trust with no disruption and no risk.


  1. Is 70% cheaper than an agency
  2. Reduces agencies fees by up to 50%, making them affordable
  3. Reduces agency spend by up to 20%
  4. Reduces the cost of temporary workers
  5. Improves vacancy fill rate by up to 99%
  6. Improves efficiency while reducing recruitment time
  7. Improves the quality of patient care  
  8. improves the quality of permanent jobs fill-rate

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