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Selfit Therapist Robot

By Shahar Figelman, Selfit Medical Added 13th May, 2021 Updated 12th Dec, 2023

Selfit is a digital robotic care startup focusing on therapy interaction with Ageing Population.

The company has developed a unique human-machine system based on a therapist robot interaction, for common clinical and age-related health disorders (neuro, geriatrics, orthopedics).


Selfit is a digital robotic care startup focusing on therapy interaction with Ageing Population.

The company has developed a unique human-machine system based on a therapist robot interaction, for common clinical and age-related health disorders (neuro, geriatrics, orthopedics).

Our first product is a B2B solution for healthcare providers (hospitals, clinics, social care), which utilizes AR projection to guide patients through personalized physical and cogntive exercises and tasks, while collecting performance data through the robot's sensors. Leveraging AI, our technology optimizes care efficiency, reducing personnel costs and improving patient’s engagement and outcomes.

Our robot is CE certified and GDPR compliant. We invite researchers, hospitals, and clinical partners to contact us to explore collaboration.

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