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Zio XT - one to fourteen day continuous ambulatory ECG service with remote patient option

By Glyn Barnes, iRhythm Technologies UK Added 16th Mar, 2020 Updated 4th May, 2020

ZioXT is a small, continuous ECG ‘patch’ that is worn by the patient for one to 14 days. The patient sends the device back to our offices once the monitoring period is complete. iRhythm provides a complete service whereby a report is produced by our own ECG technicians which is posted online for clinicians to review within two to four days.


Typically, the device is applied to the patient by a nurse in clinic but, with the current COVID-19 situation, we are setting-up a 'home enrollment' process whereby we will send the device, under email instruction from the clinican, direct to the patient at home. They can then apply the device themselves, perhaps with help from a relative. Therefore the patient is not required to make any visits to the hospital. We will be providing support materials including a video advising on the application process. No extra cost will be incurred with this service.

Once the monitoring period is complete, the patient places the device in the reply-paid box provided and posts it to our offices here in the UK. There is no need for the patient to visit the hospital for this process. Our own in-house ECG technicians then analyse the data and compose a detailed report which is posted on a web-based application that can be accessed on any device by the relevant clinicians. This is available normally within two to four days of having received the device. With this process, risk of contamination and cross-infection between patients and hospital staff is removed.

There is no battery charging of the device required during the monitoring period and patients are free to shower whilst it is attached. Consequently, patient compliance is very high.

As the device is returned directly to iRhythm, the hospital/clinic never actually owns the product and therefore it is regarded as a service. Consequently, Zio is zero rated for VAT.

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