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Rest Easy Training

Emily Gearing


My name is Emily Gearing & I'm the Founder of the REST EASY Method which is a mental health programme that we deliver to businesses, schools & families. Using the REST EASY acronym we teach children & adults how to recognise their emotions & create self-help strategies to support themselves during difficult times. We train staff, parents & carers in the approach to assist children using a new, universal language around mental health. Our approach reduces stigma, aids inclusion & provides a simple framework for difficult conversations. As an accredited training provider our programme meets all DfE standards, SEL requirements & is informed by the NICE Public Health Guidance 12 Principles for social & emotional wellbeing in primary schools. We offer a Whole School Approach, Practitioner Intervention Training, Parent/Staff Workshops, 1:1 or group support & PSHCE Lessons.
