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Craig Chaytor

Owner & Founder

I am a farther of 3 and live in a lovely and amazing City Kingston Upon Hull. I have worked hard most of my working life by been a chef and climbed the ranks to head chef and then management. In the last few years whilst working full time i gained addition expertise in Virtual reality, filming, sounds and sensory plus many more. As well as learning new skills it was used to help my daughter which created I.M.M.E. It has been an amazing adventure so far and i can't wait to see what the future brings. From 2018 we created I.M.M.E which was named after my daughter because she called Imogen and her nickname is IMME so we named it after her. From that year we have done extensive R&D into virtual reality creating worlds with a sensory atmosphere to help children manage time in hospitals. Creating a very special project to help in the health sector because it was created from the ground up around my daughter and the changes it did for her was an amazing sight to see as a parent. Please connect to my links below to see more of more work and connect if you want to find out more . Thank you
