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MediShout: A Logistical Brain For Healthcare

By Ash Kalraiya, MediShout Added 30th May, 2020 Updated 5th Jun, 2020

MediShout uses digital and AI technology to provide a “logistical brain” to health and social care organisations. Currently, logistical issues (e.g. faulty equipment, no PPE, broken IT, estates and facilities issues) delay staff and prevent best care. MediShout solves this problem by integrating all logistical departments onto one App, where a single-interface lets staff instantly report any non-clinical issue. Staff can track the progress of their report whilst organisations get operational oversight of all issues. AI-algorithms allows organisations to predict future problems, like broken equipment.


THE STORY: MediShout's founder is a surgeon and one afternoon, had to cancel three operations as a theatre lightbulb was broken. Staff had known for days but not reported it because no effective communication channels existed.

THE HEALTHCARE PROBLEM: All clinicians are delayed daily by similar problems because healthcare buildings are poorly automated and not digitally connective. Staff get delayed by logistical and infra-structure problems e.g. forgotten passwords, broken equipment, low stock, lack of PPE.

THE IMPACT IS HUGE: 1. Journal of Nursing Times reported a third of NHS Nurses waste two hours per shift looking for equipment, costing the NHS almost £1billion annually.2. There's been a 32% increase in cancelled NHS procedures due to equipment and staffing issues

THE SOLUTION: MediShout is on the NHS Innovation Accelerator and provides the first platform in healthcare to integrate all logistical departments e.g. IT, estates, facilities, stock, equipment, suppliers. The MediShout App provides a single-interface for staff to instantly report any non-clinical issue. Staff can track the progress of their report whilst organisations get operational oversight and can see what issues are most impacting patient care and need fixing first. Artificial intelligence (AI) allows organisations to predict future problems, like broken equipment.

BENEFITS: Health economists have shown MediShout can save NHS Trusts £1million annually (see attached report) and save 15 minutes per clinician daily. By sending staff reports directly to equipment suppliers, MediShout can improve output of surgical theatres and endoscopy departments.

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