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Lenus Health

Jim McNair

Business Development Director

Lenus Health is leading the development of predictive AI for the care of patients with chronic conditions. From diagnostic workflows to population health to virtual wards and remote monitoring, Lenus Health’s AI and pathway tools enable the proactive delivery of guideline-directed care to improve access and outcomes for patients and to reduce unscheduled care. Lenus Health’s digital diagnostic tools support the reduction of time to diagnosis and treatment in cardio-respiratory diagnostic pathways. Its Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) remote monitoring service has been evidenced to reduce emergency admissions by 49 per cent. Lenus Health's predictive AI models have been implemented into live point-of-care NHS workflows for patients with COPD to identify population and individual patient risk. The explainability features identify ‘treatable traits’ for therapy optimisation to reduce risk. The technology is being used as part of winter pressure projects to stratify diagnosed patient populations and optimise therapies to avoid admissions.
