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MUTU Holdings Limited

Wendy Powell

Founder and CEO MUTU System. Certified postpartum recovery specialist.

Founder and CEO of NHS Apps Library and ORCHA approved MUTU System, Wendy Powell is the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) Fellow, behind the leading global medically recommended digital health tech platform for mothers. She is an international speaker and award-winning entrepreneur. Wendy is an expert in pregnancy and postpartum physical function and recovery, as well as mental health strategies that build dignity and self-esteem. A recognised leader and pioneer in the women’s pelvic health industry, Wendy and MUTU are known and recommended by Doctors, Midwives, Specialist Women’s Health Physios and Surgeons around the world. Wendy is on the Women’s Development Board of charity Microloan working to improve education, opportunities and empowerment for mothers.
