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Direcht Restore | Deterioration Monitoring and Escalation

By Lawrence Chadwick , SIDQAM Added 4th Jan, 2024 Updated 12th Jan, 2024

Direcht Restore is the ultimate monitoring deterioration and escalation software that helps care homes provide the best care to their residents by empowering care workers with the support they need. Co-developed with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB (the original creators of the paper RESTORE2™), Direcht Restore is the only full-standard deterioration monitoring solution on the market.



Deterioration monitoring in care homes plays a vital role in reducing emergency calls, promoting resident well-being, preventing health decline, and ensuring timely interventions, leading to better health outcomes and a higher quality of life for residents.

Quotes from Care Home Managers

“I agree it's the norm for us... every day we have check-ins from our GP surgery, so we know that if someone's not very well... you automatically go and do their NEWS2 first and do their observations and then when they phone up, you've got it all to hand, ready for them to sort of discuss with you while you're on the call.” 

“I think using it on a daily basis... it's really user friendly. It's easy.”

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