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NuvoAir - respiratory remote monitoring and home diagnostics

By Helen Parrott, NuvoAir Added 21st Nov, 2023 Updated 21st Nov, 2023

NuvoAir is a digital health company specialising in proactive, technology enabled, virtual-first care for people with respiratory conditions. 


NuvoAir partners with NHS clinical teams to assess, monitor and manage people with respiratory conditions using a personalised approach, powered by technology and supported by a specialist clinical team.

NuvoAir provides NHS teams with a remote monitoring and home diagnostics service which uses NuvoAir respiratory physiologists and connected home monitoring technology (spirometer, inhaler sensor, self-monitoring app) to support NHS services to make faster clinical decisions about their patients with unconfirmed or uncontrolled respiratory conditions while helping the individual to better understand their lung health.

NuvoAir's team of respiratory physiologists act as digital coaches to onboard patients to the technology, supporting digital capabilities and coaching them to collect high quality spirometry and symptom data from the comfort of their home. Data is shared with clinical teams through huddles, live data sharing and reports. NuvoAir supports the patient in partnership as they move through the system, speeding up decision making through the provision of longitudinal, high quality lung health and adherence insights.

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