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Living With

By Chris Robson, Living With Ltd Added 2nd Oct, 2022 Updated 18th Oct, 2022

Living With's Covid rehabilitation app improves a clinic’s management of post-covid patients by sixfold compared to traditional therapies: enabling services to increase capacity without compromising on outcomes. Source: Barts Health


Living With Covid Recovery enables clinics to increase the number of patients getting high-quality treatment, simultaneously and remotely, across all aspects of the condition. It is a personalised treatment programme to help patients deal with their symptoms, provided by clinicians, assessing and reviewing their progress and communicating with them remotely and consists of 4 components:

  1. an app for patients providing tailored advice and treatment plans
  2. a dashboard for clinicians.
  3. a clinical pathway for assessment pre-MDT, rehab, set up of treatment goals, patient onboarding, monitoring, reviewing and adapting treatment prescribed and discharge
  4. a carer module for friend or family member to support the patient remotely

There are 3 different and complementary Long Covid rehabilitation products which are all housed in the same patient app. They can be used individually or in combination depending on the patient’s needs:

  1. Assessment only: 
  2. The full rehabilitation product:
  3. A self-management version of the product’

Live since Aug 2020 and constantly updated in response to feedback (10x since launch)

Winner of the ‘Excellence in Patient and Public Involvement in Transformation and Innovation’ at the 2022 AHSN Innovate Awards

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