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BLOSSOM1 - Personal Hygiene Assistant

By Nikhil Narvekar, BLOSSOM1 Added 19th Apr, 2021 Updated 17th May, 2021

Hygiene is a fundamental requirement for good health. However, 6.55 million people with disabilities in the UK require assistance with their personal hygiene daily tasks. Technology is currently used in a very limited or inefficient manner and therefore hygiene maintenance is challenging.

BLOSSOM1 - Personal Hygiene Assistant® is a body cleansing device, that makes hygiene simple, effective, dignified and refreshing for people with physical challenges / limitations, simultaneously generating value for their caregivers.

The objective of the device is to consolidate and automate the manual processes of rinsing, soaping, scrubbing and drying in a single, sleek and practical device.


After my 80-year-old grandma fell in the shower and nearly lost her life I founded BLOSSOM1 to develop a simple and convenient personal hygiene solution to replace physically challenging showers and other ineffective / intrusive practices like bed baths. 

Hygiene maintenance is also challenging and time consuming for carers in cases where the people with disabilities are dependent, often resulting in a deterioration of the relationship between the carer and patient and in carer stress/fatigue.

Successful development and commercialisation of this device will result in benefits for the following:

1) Benefits for people with disabilities:

  • Optimal hygiene (3x more effective than a 10 min shower) and therefore, improved health
  • Physically less strenuous
  • Less intrusive
  • Significantly more dignified solution
  • Empowers some of the more able-bodied patients to be more autonomous and less dependent

2) Benefits for carers:

  • Time-saving solution (<7 mins for a full body clean)
  • Replaces current process which can be unpleasant and discomforting resulting in higher job satisfaction
  • Alleviates some of the work load (much needed respite for typically overworked carers)

3) Benefits for care providing bodies (e.g. NHS, care homes, rehab centres):

  • Improved health and hygiene across the board
  • Saved resources, i.e. carer hours and water
  • Fewer bathroom related incidents
  • Reinvestment of saved carer hours for other value-adding activities that can improve mental health
  • Facilitates a more caring / comfortable relationship between carers and patients
  • Solution reduces the risk of COVID transmission in the establishment (through better hygiene and minimised physical contact between in the carer and patient)

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